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Episode 12 - Nic Biffen

Join us on this week’s episode where we dive into the inspiring journey of [**Nic Biffen**]( From the rural farmlands of Cardiff, Wales, Nic was on track to fulfill his dream of becoming a professional rugby player, showcasing his athletic prowess with the prestigious Gloucester Rugby team. 🏉 Competing in England’s top-tier rugby division and the European Rugby Challenge Cup, his career was on a meteoric rise until an injury took him off the field. But Nic didn't let this setback define him. He pivoted his drive and discipline to the world of sales, where he's now making waves as a standout leader. Tune in to hear how Nic tackles the SaaS & Data industry with the same passion he once brought to the rugby pitch. You won't want to miss the valuable insights from his unique journey from athlete to sales champion.


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