Why the Customer Is King: Elevating Client-Centric Strategies in Business

Why the Customer Is King: Elevating Client-Centric Strategies in Business

Nick Bennett 6 min

What’s up, everyone?

Happy Tuesday! It's another beautiful day in Boston. This week, the temperature will be warm most of the week. I don’t know about you, but I am ready for summer.

Mark and I are hosting an event at the Boston Seaport tonight. Mini golf, and I am excited about that! I'm about to drive into the city in about an hour. I’m super competitive so I can’t wait to beat all of these marketing leaders that are going.

Let’s talk about THE CUSTOMER. Now, we know it costs less to retain a customer than it is to acquire a new one, yet why are so many GTM’s teams (I see you marketers) not focused on serving the customer as much as they should be?

Well, let’s dive in and try to figure it out together and learn some things along the way.

If you want to learn more about customer-led growth, come check out ClubPF for free to become a better marketer today.

Are you tired of chasing after new leads and customers only to see them slip through your fingers like sand? Ever wonder why some businesses effortlessly attract loyal customers who sing their praises from the rooftops?

Spoiler alert: it's not just about having a killer product or a flashy marketing campaign. It's about tapping into the goldmine of your existing customer base.

Did you know that loyal customers tend to spend 33% more per order than new customers? It's a wake-up call to prioritize the people who've already chosen to do business with you.

Imagine this: What if there were untapped opportunities within your existing customer base that could significantly boost your revenue? What if you could identify whitespace in client accounts and leverage it to drive growth?

That's where your GTM team comes in. By adopting a more personal, customer-centric approach, your team has the power to uncover hidden revenue streams and turn satisfied customers into your most powerful growth engine.

In this newsletter, we're going hands-on with actionable strategies to help you uncover whitespace in client accounts, maximize customer satisfaction, and drive revenue growth. It's time to flip the script on traditional marketing and embrace the untapped potential within your existing customer base. 

Let's start by understanding:

What’s the Role of Customers in Your Success?

Trust is the currency of choice, and customer advocacy reigns supreme as the ultimate growth catalyst. 

  • According to Nielsen, a staggering 92% of consumers trust recommendations from friends and family over any form of advertising. That's the kind of credibility money can't buy.

  • Customers acquired through referrals have a 37% higher retention rate. Translation? Happy customers don't just stick around—they bring their friends along for the ride.

  • A study by McKinsey found that word-of-mouth marketing generates more than twice the sales of paid advertising. Custom’ involvement in your business is downright game-changing.

But how do I Win Customer Advocacy?

Through Incentives!

If you're wondering how to kickstart your customer advocacy efforts, don’t worry. All you have to do is launch irresistible incentive programs that will have your customers shouting your praises from the rooftops. 

“But What incentives will actually motivate my customers to advocate for my brand?"

Offer rewards that align with your customer's interests and needs, whether it's discounts, exclusive access to new features, or VIP perks.

For example, Dropbox's referral program rewards both the referrer and the new user with additional storage space, providing tangible value to both parties. 

To-Do: Conduct surveys or interviews to understand what incentives would be most appealing to your customers. Utilize platforms like SurveyMonkey or Google Forms to gather feedback.

“I'm worried about making the advocacy process too complicated for my customers."

Keep it simple! Provide clear instructions and user-friendly tools to make advocacy a breeze.

For example, Airbnb's referral program allowed hosts to easily share their listings with friends via email, social media, or a unique referral link, minimizing friction and maximizing participation.

To-Do: Create a dedicated landing page or section on your website where customers can easily sign up for your advocacy program. Use platforms like WordPress or Squarespace to build and customize your page.

"How do I know if my advocacy program is actually making an impact?"

Utilize tracking tools and metrics to monitor the effectiveness of your program, such as referral sign-ups, conversion rates, and customer lifetime value.

For Example, Tesla's referral program tracked referrals and rewards in real-time, allowing participants to see the direct impact of their advocacy efforts.

To-Do: Implement tracking pixels or codes to monitor referral sign-ups and conversions. Analytics platforms like Google Analytics or Mixpanel can be used to track key metrics and assess program effectiveness.

"Where should I promote my advocacy program to reach the widest audience?"

To ensure maximum visibility, utilize a combination of platforms, including social media, email newsletters, and in-app notifications.

For Example, Sephora's Beauty Insider program leverages multiple touchpoints, including their website, mobile app, and social media channels, to promote exclusive rewards and benefits for loyal customers. 

To-Do: Promote your advocacy program through email newsletters, social media channels (Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn), and in-app notifications. Use scheduling tools like Hootsuite or Buffer to plan and automate your social media posts.

What are the Different Layers of Customer Advocacy?

  1. Passive Advocacy:

Customers may have positive feelings toward your brand but aren't actively promoting it at this level. They may recommend your product or service if asked, but don't go out of their way to advocate for it.

Examples: Satisfied customers who occasionally mention your brand in conversation but don't actively participate in referral programs or share testimonials.

  1. Active Advocacy:

Customers at this level are more engaged and willing to advocate for your brand. They actively recommend your products or services to others and may share positive experiences on social media or review platforms.

Examples: Customers who participate in referral programs, leave positive reviews online, or share their experiences on social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, or LinkedIn.

  1. Community Advocacy:

These customers are deeply involved in your brand community and actively participate in discussions, events, and activities related to your brand. They serve as ambassadors and champions within your community.

Examples: Customers who join user groups, attend brand-sponsored events, contribute to online forums or discussion boards, and actively engage with other customers.

  1. Brand Evangelism:

At the highest level of advocacy, customers become true brand evangelists. They are passionate advocates who go above and beyond to promote your brand, often without any prompting. They embody your brand values and actively recruit new customers.

Examples: Customers who create user-generated content, write blog posts or articles about your brand, participate in case studies or testimonials, and refer multiple new customers. 

How to Amplify Customer Advocacy? 

Feeling a bit stuck on how to get your customers to sing your brand's praises? Here are some useful tips:

1. Build Genuine Relationships:

Treat them like friends, not just transactions. Show genuine interest, offer value, and be there when they need you.

To-Dos: Host virtual meetups or webinars where customers can interact with your team and each other. Utilize platforms like Zoom or Gatheround to create engaging online events.

2. Encourage User-Generated Content (UGC):

Make it easy and fun for them to be your brand ambassadors. Encourage them to share their stories and experiences with the world.

To-Dos: Create a branded hashtag and encourage customers to use it when sharing photos or testimonials on social media. Share user-generated content on your own channels to showcase your community.

3. Provide Exceptional Customer Service:

Be the superhero of customer service. Go above and beyond to solve problems, delight customers, and leave a lasting impression.

To-Dos: Implement a customer feedback system to proactively gather insights and address issues. Use helpdesk platforms like Zendesk or Freshdesk to streamline support processes and ensure timely responses.

4. Use an Advocacy Platform:

Explore advocacy platforms that streamline the process of engaging and rewarding your most passionate customers.

To-Dos: Consider platforms like Influitive (errr maybe not anymore if you’ve been following what’s been going with them but there’s other options) or AdvocateHub to create personalized advocacy campaigns and track engagement metrics. Utilize referral marketing software like ReferralCandy or Ambassador to incentivize customers to refer their friends.

Key Takeaways for Customer-Led Growth in GTM Success:

  1. Put Customers First: Prioritize the needs and experiences of your customers at every stage of the go-to-market (GTM) process. You can build stronger relationships and drive long-term growth by focusing on customer satisfaction and success.

  2. Foster Advocacy: Encourage and empower your customers to become advocates for your brand. Leverage their positive experiences to generate word-of-mouth referrals, testimonials, and user-generated content that can amplify your marketing efforts.

  3. Invest in Education: Provide valuable educational resources and training opportunities to help customers maximize the value of your product or service. You can drive adoption, retention, and expansion by equipping them with the knowledge and skills they need to succeed.

  4. Build Community: Facilitate connections, conversations, and customer collaboration to cultivate a sense of community. Create opportunities for them to interact with each other, share best practices, and support one another, fostering a loyal and engaged customer base.

  5. Deliver Exceptional Service: Provide exceptional customer service and support to ensure every customer's positive and memorable experience. Address their needs promptly, proactively, and empathetically, building trust and loyalty over time.

  6. Measure and Iterate: Continuously monitor and measure the impact of your customer-led initiatives to identify areas for improvement and optimization. Gather feedback, track key metrics, and iterate on your strategies to drive ongoing success and growth.

By embracing these key principles of customer-led growth, you can create a customer-centric GTM strategy that drives value, fosters loyalty, and fuels sustainable growth for your business.

In a Nutshell

Customer advocacy isn't just a nice-to-have—it's a must-have for any business serious about sustainable growth. So, if you're not tapping into the goldmine of your existing customer base, you're leaving money on the table. 

Coming next week: The Modern Marketer's Toolkit for GTM.

If there is something you’d like me to write about or help you learn more about, just reply to this email. I promise you will get me a real human, haha.

Until next week, friends. Be safe!


Nick Bennett 6 min

Why the Customer Is King: Elevating Client-Centric Strategies in Business

Discover how embracing the mantra 'Customer is King' can transform your business approach, ensuring client satisfaction and driving growth.

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