Mastering Event-Led Growth for Dynamic GTM Success

Mastering Event-Led Growth for Dynamic GTM Success

Nick Bennett 7 min

What’s up, everyone?

Welcome back to another week of the people-first GTM newsletter, where we teach a better way to go to market than how people buy today.

Alright, let’s dive into one of my favorite subjects!

Are you tired of the same old playbook when it comes to events? 

Feeling the pressure to stand out in a sea of booths and brochures? 

You're not alone. In today's hyper-competitive B2B landscape, the traditional approach to events just doesn't cut it anymore.

You might be wondering: Why should I care about beyond-the-booth engagement? What's the big deal with virtual events? And how can I ensure that my events actually contribute to our GTM objectives?

Well, let me tell you. Beyond-the-booth engagement is the secret sauce that can take your GTM strategy from good to great. It's about creating meaningful connections with your audience, whether they're tuning in from their home office or stopping by your booth at a trade show.

Now, you might be skeptical. After all, isn't in-person networking still king? While it's true that 75% of B2B marketers swear by in-person events for lead generation, the game is changing. With 87% of marketers seeing the value of virtual events, it's clear that there's a new frontier to explore.

In this newsletter, we're exploring tactics and strategies to help you redefine events for GTM success. From hosting captivating webinars to mastering the art of online engagement, we've got you covered.

Why is Event-Led Growth Key to Quick Success?

  • 93% of companies using event-led growth as part of their GTM strategy reach their sales and pipeline goals. 

  • Webinars and online events have been shown to drive higher engagement and conversion rates, with 44% of attendees being more likely to engage with a company after attending a webinar.

Best Strategies to Create Your Event Strategy for GTM Success

Hey there, savvy marketer! Now that we've explored innovative ways to engage beyond the booth, let's roll up our sleeves and craft a killer event strategy that aligns seamlessly with your GTM objectives. Here's how to tackle it, step by step:


WHO: Identify your target audience segments and their specific needs and preferences. Leverage CRM platforms like Salesforce or HubSpot to analyze past attendee data and tailor your events accordingly.

WHY: Define clear objectives for each event, whether it's lead generation, brand awareness, or thought leadership. According to a study by Harvard Business Review, 64% of companies with a documented event strategy achieve their goals, compared to only 16% without one.

HOW: Determine the resources and budget available for event execution. Consider leveraging event management platforms like Eventbrite or Cvent to streamline planning, registration, and attendee management processes.

WHAT: Plan out the content and format of each event, keeping audience preferences and engagement in mind. For example, if your target audience prefers interactive workshops, consider platforms like Zoom or Microsoft Teams that support breakout rooms and group collaboration.

WHERE: Choose the right venue or virtual event platform based on your target audience's location and accessibility. For virtual events, platforms like Hopin or Remo offer customizable virtual event spaces with features for networking and engagement.

WHEN: Set clear timelines and deadlines for event planning and execution, ensuring that all stakeholders are aligned and prepared. Use project management tools like Asana or Trello to track tasks and milestones throughout the event planning process.

The Crawl, Walk, Run Strategy for Event-led Growth (ELG)

CRAWL: Start small by hosting 1-2 webinars per quarter in partnership with another brand or individual. Repurpose webinar content across multiple channels using AI tools like Lumen5 or Vidyard to maximize reach and engagement.

WALK: Scale up your webinar program with monthly episodic webinars or thematic series tied to specific campaigns or programs. Leverage co-marketing opportunities with partners to reach a wider audience and generate more leads.

RUN: Take your webinar program to the next level by hosting targeted webinars for different buyer personas and stages of the buying journey. Incorporate diverse formats like panel discussions, fireside chats, and interactive workshops to keep attendees engaged and interested.

The Great Eight

Event-led Growth Timeline:

  1. Month 1-2: Establish Strategy and Plan

    • Define objectives for event-led growth, including lead generation, pipeline acceleration, and customer engagement.

    • Conduct a thorough analysis of target audience segments, personas, and their respective stages in the customer journey.

    • Develop a six-month webinar and event plan, mapping out topics, formats, and engagement strategies tailored to different personas and customer journey stages.

    • Collaborate with the sales team in quarterly planning sessions to align event strategy with pipeline creation and acceleration goals.

  2. Month 3-4: Prepare and Execute Webinars

    • Host webinars several times per quarter, focusing on creating engaging moments and experiences for attendees.

    • Repurpose webinar content across various channels, including social media, blog posts, and email campaigns.

    • Partner with other brands or individuals to co-host webinars and expand reach to new audiences.

    • Leverage webinar engagement signals to build an event intent model, identifying accounts and individuals interested in specific topics or solutions.

  3. Month 5-6: Diversify Event Portfolio and Drive Engagement

    • Plan and execute in-person events in collaboration with partners, focusing on creating personalized experiences for attendees.

    • Host a small in-person event to foster genuine connections and engagement with key stakeholders.

    • Integrate webinars and events into content-led, community-led, and customer-led growth channels to amplify reach and impact.

    • Transition events and webinars into a membership community as part of a member-led growth channel strategy, fostering ongoing engagement and loyalty.

How to Collect First-Party Data for Targeted Outreach and Personalization:

  1. Registration Process Optimization:

    • Eventbrite: Use Eventbrite's customizable registration forms to collect attendee information such as name, email, job title, and company details.

    • HubSpot Events: Leverage HubSpot's event management features to create registration forms with tailored questions and preferences for attendees.

  2. Interactive Engagement During Events:

    • Zoom Webinars: Use Zoom's interactive features, such as live polls, surveys, and Q&A sessions, during webinars to gather real-time insights from attendees.

    • ON24: Leverage ON24's engagement tools to create interactive experiences during virtual events, including interactive polls and surveys.

  3. Post-Event Feedback and Follow-Up:

    • SurveyMonkey: Use SurveyMonkey to send out post-event surveys or feedback forms and collect insights from attendees about their event experience and preferences.

    • Google Forms: Create customized feedback forms using Google Forms to gather post-event feedback and suggestions from attendees.

  4. Integration with CRM and Marketing Automation Platforms:

    • Salesforce: Integrate event registration and engagement data with Salesforce CRM to consolidate first-party data and enrich attendee profiles for personalized outreach.

    • HubSpot Marketing Hub: Sync event data with HubSpot Marketing Hub to automate follow-up emails and personalized outreach based on attendee behavior and engagement.

  5. Continuous Optimization and Iteration:

    • Google Analytics: Use Google Analytics to track and analyze event website traffic, registration conversions, and attendee engagement metrics to optimize data collection methods over time.

    • Hotjar: Deploy Hotjar's heatmaps and session recordings to gain insights into attendee behavior and interactions during virtual events, enabling continuous optimization of engagement strategies.

How to Understand and Use Engagement Signals for Event Intent Modeling

Engagement signals are the key to unlocking valuable insights from your event attendees and prospects. You can build robust event intent models that drive targeted outreach and personalized engagement by harnessing these signals effectively. Here's how to do it:

What are Engagement Signals?

Engagement signals encompass various actions and behaviors exhibited by attendees during events, such as participation in polls, interactions in chat rooms, duration of attendance, and resource downloads.

These signals provide valuable indicators of the following:

  • attendee interest

  • engagement level, 

  • and potential buying intent

It allows you to tailor your outreach efforts and follow-up strategies accordingly.

  1. Building Event Intent Models:

Event intent models are constructed by analyzing and interpreting engagement signals collected from event attendees. These models categorize attendees based on their level of interest, intent to purchase, and stage in the buyer's journey.

  1. Collecting Engagement Signals:

To capture real-time engagement signals during events, utilize event platforms like Zoom Webinars, ON24, Goldcast, Zuddl, etc. Leverage features such as live polls, Q&A sessions, and chat interactions to gather attendee data.

Example: Use Zoom's polling feature to ask targeted questions about attendee pain points or interests, then analyze responses to identify high-intent prospects.

  1. Integrating with CRM and Marketing Automation:

Integrate engagement signal data with your CRM and marketing automation platforms to enrich attendee profiles and create personalized follow-up sequences.

Platforms like Salesforce and HubSpot allow seamless integration of event data, enabling automated workflows and targeted outreach based on engagement signals.

For Example, Sync engagement data from ON24 virtual events with HubSpot CRM to trigger personalized follow-up emails based on attendee interactions during the event.

  1. Implementing Personalized Follow-Up:

Leverage event intent models to segment attendees into targeted outreach lists based on their engagement signals and inferred intent.

Craft personalized follow-up messages tailored to each segment, addressing specific pain points or interests identified during the event.

For Example, Send a follow-up email to high-intent attendees offering a demo or consultation based on their active participation and engagement during the event.

  1. Continuous Optimization and Iteration:

Regularly analyze engagement signal data to refine and optimize event intent models over time.

Experiment with different engagement strategies and follow-up approaches to maximize the effectiveness of targeted outreach efforts.

 ELG At Unbounce

Unbounce, a leading landing page and conversion optimization platform,, successfully leverages Event-led Growth (ELG). Unbounce has implemented a unique approach to ELG by hosting a series of "Landing Page Teardown" webinars.

During these webinars, Unbounce invites industry experts and customers to submit their landing pages for live analysis and feedback. The webinar hosts, often Unbounce's own conversion experts, walk through each landing page, providing actionable insights, best practices, and optimization tips.

What makes Unbounce's approach unique is its focus on actionable, real-world examples that resonate with its audience. By showcasing actual landing pages and demonstrating practical improvements, Unbounce adds tangible value to its webinars and positions itself as a trusted advisor in the realm of conversion optimization.

Through these webinars, Unbounce educates its audience on landing page best practices and showcases its platform's capabilities in action. Attendees leave the webinar with actionable takeaways and a deeper understanding of how to improve their own landing pages, making the event a valuable resource for marketers and businesses alike.

The Bottomline

Event-led Growth (ELG) can revolutionize your marketing strategy by leveraging events and webinars as powerful tools for lead generation, engagement, and revenue growth. ELG prioritizes personalized experiences, targeted outreach, and data-driven decision-making to drive meaningful interactions with prospects and customers.

By effectively implementing ELG, businesses can unlock new opportunities for pipeline creation, accelerate sales cycles, and foster stronger relationships with their audience. It's all about harnessing the full potential of events and webinars to fuel growth and drive success in today's competitive landscape.

Coming next week: Customer is KING.

Until next week


PS: Is there anything you want to see in an upcoming edition? Let me know. I LOVE feedback, good or bad. So shoot me an email and let me know what you think.

Nick Bennett 7 min

Mastering Event-Led Growth for Dynamic GTM Success

Explore how strategic event planning and execution can serve as a powerful lever for go-to-market success, driving engagement and accelerating business growth.

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