How To Create Sustainably At Scale

How To Create Sustainably At Scale

Nick Bennett 25 min

Why Creators Struggle to Prioritize and Create Enough

Creators often struggle with time management because there's just SO much to do, and it's hard to know where to start. Having a gazillion ideas but trying to corral them into a single, organized plan feels like herding cats.

One common issue is the "Shiny Object Syndrome." It's like being in a candy store of ideas—everything looks exciting! You start one project, and a new, brighter idea suddenly pops up, stealing your attention. You end up with a bunch of half-finished projects and a headache trying to prioritize.

For example:

My friend, Alex, is deep in the world of content creation. Alex, too, was enticed by the allure of new ideas. Podcasts, blogs, YouTube series—Alex wanted to conquer it all. But the more projects started, the more overwhelmed Alex became. The excitement turned into stress, and the ever-growing to-do list seemed impossible to tackle.

One day, Alex decided it was time for a change after a particularly chaotic week. Alex categorized projects based on priority and impact by implementing a simple time management system. It wasn't about doing everything; it was about doing the right things at the right time.

The transformation was remarkable. Alex started completing projects with focus and dedication. The "Shiny Object Syndrome" gradually lost its grip. The secret, Alex discovered, was not in avoiding exciting ideas but in managing them effectively.

So, if you find yourself drowning in the sea of exciting projects, take a cue from Alex. It's not about saying no to ideas but about saying yes strategically and giving each project the time and attention it deserves.

Quick Tip 1

Then there's the "Perfection Paralysis". You aim for that flawless piece of work, but it never seems good enough. So, you keep tweaking and refining, wasting precious time pursuing an unattainable perfection.

Quick Tip 2

Distractions are another monster. In today's world, distractions include social media, emails, and messages. They're like sneaky little-time thieves, robbing us of valuable creative hours without us even realizing it.

Quick Tip 3

And let's not forget the classic "Procrastination Pitfall". It's so tempting to put things off for later, thinking, "I'll do it tomorrow." But tomorrow turns into next week, and suddenly, deadlines are looming like a storm cloud.

Quick Tip 4

Sometimes, we also fall into this cycle of comparison. We see other creators doing their thing, and it feels like they're churning out content faster than a printing press. That comparison game can paralyze us, making us doubt our own pace and skills.

Quick Tip 5

Another factor is unrealistic time estimation. Creators often underestimate the time tasks will take. That five-minute edit turns into an hour-long perfection quest!

Quick Tip 6

Personally, I've found myself stuck in the analysis paralysis loop. I'd spend ages researching the best tools, the best techniques, but forget to actually, you know, create! It's like getting caught up in the prep work and forgetting about the main dish.

Often, a lack of a clear plan or system keeps us from moving forward faster—imagine navigating a maze blindfolded. Having a roadmap or a workflow that works for us is key. When we don't have that, it's easy to feel overwhelmed or lost in the whirlwind of ideas and tasks.

Quick Tip 7

Content Organization Workflow

Check out the Content Organization Workflow for Beginners here:

Workflow plan

Workflow plan 2

Workflow plan 3

Workflow plan 4

Why is the Content Organization Workflow critical?

Picture this: it's tough to be consistent when your time and workflow are all over the place. Consistency is key in building an audience or clientele. If your content is sporadic or delayed, your audience might lose interest or trust.

Moreover, it affects your mental game. Feeling overwhelmed, stressed, or constantly playing catch-up is a creativity killer. When your mind is tangled in a web of missed deadlines and unfinished tasks, there's little room for those brilliant creative sparks to ignite.

But fear not! The benefits are huge when you crack the managing time and workflow code. You become a productivity ninja—focused, efficient, and churning out quality content regularly. Your audience sees your dedication, and you feel more fulfilled, producing work that truly reflects your talent and passion.

Think about it—when you manage your time well, you'll have the space to focus deeply on each task, giving your best shot without burning out. Plus, it frees up mental space for creativity. You'll find yourself brainstorming cool ideas instead of stressing over missed schedules.

Tools that vibe with your style boost productivity. Whether it's Trello, Asana, or good ol' pen and paper, a clear roadmap of what needs to be done and when is a life-changer. Batching similar tasks together is another production line for content creation!

And hey, it's totally okay if your system isn't flawless from day one. Experiment, learn what works for you, and tweak along the way. Remember, it's about progress, not perfection.

Once you nail this time and workflow thing, you'll wonder how you ever managed without it. It will literally take your creativity to the next level.

Optimizing Your Workflow

Once you get the basics, you can optimize the workflow and really make it yours. Spend a little more time in an area that helps you emphasize your uniqueness. Optimize or automate something else that doesn't spark your creativity.

Here's how to optimize each step of the workflow:

Step 1: Idea Generation:

This is where the magic starts! Think of it as brainstorming with your creative crew. Let ideas pour in—whether it's a new video concept, a blog series topic, or a fresh approach to a podcast episode. This phase is all about gathering those golden ideas.

How to Optimize it:

Brainstorming Techniques: 

Set a timer for a quick 10-minute brainstorming session. Jot down every idea without filtering—like a rapid-fire session where every thought gets a chance.

Mind Mapping: 

Use mind mapping apps or even a good ol' pen and paper. Start with a central topic and branch out—it's like planting seeds and watching your content tree grow.

Step 2: Planning & Structuring:

Now it's time to map out the plan! Imagine it as sketching your content roadmap. Decide on the structure—what goes where, how the content flows. Whether it's a video script, an article outline, or a storyboard, this step sets your content's blueprint.

How to Optimize it:

Stick to Deadlines: 

Set deadlines like milestones—it's like marking checkpoints in a game. Having clear time frames keeps you on track. Tools like planners or project management apps can be your trusty companions here.


For videos, sketch out scenes or use storyboard apps. Visualize your content—outline your game levels before diving in.

Pomodoro Technique: 

Set a timer for 25 minutes of focused work, followed by a short break. Repeat this—it's like short sprints in a race, ensuring focused productivity.

Step 3: Content Creation:

Lights, camera, action—it's showtime! Think of this phase as the actual creation process. Whether you're filming, writing, designing, or recording, this step is about bringing your content to life.

How to Optimize it:

Templates to the Rescue:

Develop reusable templates or presets as helpful tools in your arsenal. Create templates for editing, scripting formats, or graphic designs. It saves time and keeps your content consistent.

Batch Similar Tasks Together: 

Set aside a block of time to tackle similar tasks in one go. For instance, film multiple videos in one session—level up your efficiency by tackling similar content simultaneously.

Capture Ideas on the Go: 

Use voice memos or note-taking apps when inspiration strikes. A sudden idea could be your next content treasure.

Step 4: Refinement & Review:

Time for the fine-tuning! Picture it as the editing bay for your content. Review, revise, and polish your work—this step is all about enhancing your content for that perfect shine.

How to Optimize it:

Fresh Eyes Method: 

Take a break before reviewing your content. Come back with a fresh perspective—it's like looking at a game puzzle after taking a hiatus; solutions become clearer.

Read-Aloud Check: 

Read your content aloud—it's like playtesting in a game. You catch awkward phrasing or errors that might have slipped through.

Step 5: Publishing & Distribution:

It's time to unveil your creation to the world! Publishing is like launching a new product. Whether it's hitting that 'post' button, scheduling content, or sharing across platforms, this step gets your creation out there.

How to Optimize it:

Cross-Platform Promotion:

Spread the word, cast that net wide. Share snippets or teasers across platforms before releasing your main content— create a buzz before the big launch.  

Promote your content across different channels—social media, forums, newsletters. It's about reaching your audience wherever they hang out.

Pre-Schedule Posting: 

Use scheduling tools to set content release times They publish your content even when you're busy with life.

Automate the Creator Workflow & Rid the Chaos

Creator workflow is a chaos that can eat up our time.

Imagine this: you're in the zone, ready to rock your next masterpiece, but suddenly, you're buried in a mountain of tasks that feel like quicksand, pulling you away from the good stuff.

You know those tiny tasks that seem harmless at first? They're like sneaky time thieves! Things like manually posting on social media daily, replying to the same questions over and over, or hunting for files lost in the digital Bermuda Triangle are the culprits.

Social media management is a big one. Trust me, I've been there, spending way too much time hopping between platforms, crafting posts, and then getting lost in the endless scroll. It's like falling into a rabbit hole and losing hours without realizing it!

Then there's the email black hole. Answering the same inquiries or sending out the same updates can become a never-ending loop. You start replying to one email, and suddenly, it's been an hour, and your inbox still looks like Mount Everest.

File organization is another beast. When files are scattered across different folders or platforms, finding that one image or document can be like finding a needle in a haystack. It's frustrating and eats up precious creative time.

And let's not forget the tedious admin tasks! Logging expenses, tracking time, or manually setting reminders can feel stuck in paperwork purgatory. They're essential, sure, but man, they can drain your creative energy faster than a phone on a low battery.

These tasks might seem small individually, but when they gang up on you, they become this monstrous time-suck, leaving you with less time for the real creative magic.

That's where automation swoops in like a superhero! By automating these repetitive tasks, you're basically giving yourself the gift of time. It's like having an assistant who handles the boring bits, freeing you up to focus on the fun, creative, and impactful stuff.

Automating your workflow is like streamlining your own personal assembly line. You set it up once, it works its magic in the background, leaving you with more headspace to brainstorm killer ideas or dive deep into your next project.

So, by identifying and automating these time-eating monsters, you're not just saving time but reclaiming it. It's all about taking back control of your schedule and making room for what truly matters—your creativity!

Social Media Automation Tools Comparison

Choosing the Right Tool:

  • Buffer: Ideal for individuals or smaller teams seeking simplicity and ease of use.

  • Hootsuite: Suitable for larger teams or creators requiring advanced features and analytics.

Note: Always check the latest features and pricing, as they may change over time.

How to Automate These Tedious Tasks?

Let’s see how you can tame these creative time-eating monsters:

Social Media Auto-Scheduling:

Okay, so here's the deal: tools like Buffer or Hootsuite are your best pals for this. First, create your content in batches. Then, use these tools to schedule posts across different platforms. 

Set a day or two each week to batch-create content, load it into these apps, and voilà! Your content will magically appear on schedule without you having to be glued to your phone all day.

Facebook, Instagram, and even LinkedIn provide dedicated social media content planning and scheduling tools that you can use to schedule a month’s worth of social media calendar in a single day. 

The social media schedulers and planners are godsends for managing social media. They let you schedule posts across multiple platforms, analyze performance, and stay organized. Plus, they often come with a stash of templates to make your posts pop!

Email Automation:

Imagine having emails going out like clockwork without you having to hit "send." Set up email sequences for new subscribers or customers. 

Craft your emails, set triggers (like when someone signs up), and let the system work its magic. It's like having a 24/7 email assistant who never forgets to hit 'send.'

Mailchimp and ConvertKit are absolute champs for email automation. They help you create engaging newsletters, automate emails, and grow your subscriber list. Plus, they come with cool templates that make your emails look pro without breaking a sweat.

Cloud File Organization:

Don’t let your content be scattered all over the place. Create folders and use naming conventions that make sense to you. Google Drive and Dropbox are your lifesavers here. These platforms allow you to create folders that sort files based on certain criteria (like file type or keywords). Upload your files, sit back, and never lose important creative progress.

Automating Admin Tasks: 

Zapier and IFTTT are the superheroes for this job. These platforms connect different apps and trigger actions based on specific conditions. Let's say you want to log all your expenses automatically. Connect your expense tracker and your accounting software through Zapier, set it to trigger whenever you make a purchase, and boom! Your expenses are logged without you lifting a finger.

Some Free Templates for Your Swipe File

Here are some websites where creators can find free templates and examples to kickstart their content creation journey:



Canva offers a wide range of free templates for various purposes, including social media posts, presentations, and more.



Trello provides free templates for content calendars, project management, and collaborative planning.

Google Docs:


Google Docs has a collection of free templates for documents, presentations, and spreadsheets.



HubSpot offers free PowerPoint templates for presentations and marketing purposes.



Later provides free Instagram and social media templates for visual content planning.



CoSchedule offers various free marketing templates, including editorial calendars and social media planners.

HubSpot Blog Ideas Generator:


HubSpot's Blog Ideas Generator helps creators develop blog post ideas based on topics and keywords.



Stencil provides free design templates for creating social media graphics, blog images, and more.



ContentCal offers free social media content calendar templates for planning and scheduling.



Piktochart provides free infographic templates for visual storytelling. 

Templates are like shortcuts to awesomeness! Whether it's email templates for common responses or design templates for social media posts, creating these once and reusing them is a time-saver. Next time you need to create a similar design, just tweak the details and bam! You're done in a jiffy.

Social Media Post Templates:

  • Canva Social Media Templates: They cover everything from Instagram stories to Facebook posts and Twitter banners. They're like a treasure trove of beautifully designed layouts ready for your content.

  • Adobe Spark Templates: Offering a range of customizable templates for social media posts, stories, and even animated videos. They're like your instant ticket to eye-catching visuals.

Email Templates:

  • Mailchimp Templates: They come in different styles—newsletters, promotional emails, or event invitations. Pick one, customize it with your content, and boom! Your email's ready to fly.

  • ConvertKit Templates: Specifically designed for creators, they're like tailored suits for your email campaigns. Personalize them with your brand elements and let your emails shine.

Website Templates:

  • Squarespace Templates: Whether you're a blogger, a photographer, or an entrepreneur, Squarespace has a template to suit your style. They're like blueprints for your online castle.

  • WordPress Themes: From sleek and minimal to bold and creative, WordPress themes offer endless options to make your website stand out in the online jungle.

Video Editing Presets/Templates:

  • Adobe Premiere Pro Presets: These are like magic filters for your videos. They can instantly enhance your footage with color grading, transitions, and effects.

  • Final Cut Pro Effects and Titles: Ready-made effects and title animations can level up your video editing game without spending hours on each clip.

Design Elements Templates:

  • Canva Design Elements: These elements are like Lego blocks for your designs, from logo templates to infographic layouts. Mix, match, and customize to build your visual masterpiece.

  • Adobe Stock Templates: These templates cover various design needs, from flyers to brochures, providing a professional starting point for your projects.

Content Planning Templates:

  • Trello Boards: While not a traditional template, Trello offers pre-made content planning boards you can use to organize your content creation workflow.

  • Asana Content Calendar Templates: They're like the blueprint for your content calendar, helping you map out your posts, track progress, and keep things organized.

The key to successful automation is setting it up right the first time. Take some time upfront to understand these tools and templates, set them up according to your needs, and then watch as they do the heavy lifting for you. It's like having a team of invisible helpers making your creator life way smoother!

Creator Life-Savers: Swipe Files!

Swipe files are like your personal library of inspiration. They're collections of content examples—captivating headlines, engaging social media posts, stunning designs, or even persuasive sales copy—that you've come across and found impressive.

Here's why they're gold for creators: Imagine you're working on a new project, and you're stuck for ideas or struggling to kickstart your creativity. You dive into your swipe files, and suddenly, you've got this reservoir of proven concepts and successful approaches right at your fingertips.

They're not just about collecting cool stuff; they're practical tools that optimize your creative process. When you're pressed for time or hitting a mental block, you can reference your swipe files to see how others tackled similar challenges or crafted attention-grabbing content.

Let's say you're crafting a social media post and need a catchy hook. Instead of staring at a blank screen, you peek into your swipe files and find past examples of compelling hooks. These examples inspire new ideas or give you a starting point to create your own engaging content.

The beauty of swipe files is that they're like a reservoir of proven ideas. You're not copying or imitating; you're learning from successful approaches and adapting them to fit your own style and content needs. They're your go-to resource for inspiration, helping you optimize your workflow by offering a starting point or a spark of creativity when you need it most.

How to Create Your Swipe File?

Creating a swipe file is like building your own library of creative inspiration. Here's a step-by-step guide:

Step 1: Collect Awesome Content:

Start by saving or noting down content that catches your eye—snippets of engaging headlines, captivating social media posts, stunning designs, or even powerful quotes that resonate with you. Keep it diverse!

Step 2: Organize Your Collection:

Create a system to store these snippets. It could be a digital folder on your computer or cloud storage, or even a physical notebook. Organize it with categories like "Captivating Headlines," "Engaging Intros," "Visual Inspiration," or whatever helps you find stuff easily.

Step 3: Save and Label:

Whenever you come across something cool, save it into your swipe file and label it clearly. This could be screenshots, links, or just a note about where you found it. The clearer, the better!

What to Include:

Think of it like your creative scrapbook. It can have snippets of:

  • Compelling headlines or catchy phrases.

  • Designs, layouts, or visual elements that caught your attention.

  • Intros or snippets from articles, blogs, or emails that hook you.

  • Quotes or bits of content that inspired you.

  • Examples of successful marketing campaigns or effective social media posts.

How to Use It:

When you hit a creativity roadblock, open up your swipe file. Check your folder for engaging captions if you're stuck on a new social media post. Use them as a springboard to spark your own ideas or give you a different perspective.

For me, having a swipe file is like having a toolbox. When I'm working on a project, whether it's writing or designing, I dive into my collection. It's my source of inspiration, helping me brainstorm and get those creative gears turning.

Remember, it's not about copying; it's about using these snippets to inspire your own creativity. Take what you've saved, add your own spin, and let it fuel your creative fire!

Using AI in Your Creative Process

The creative world's rush toward AI isn't a trend—it's a seismic shift. UNESCO reports that by 2030, AI will contribute 14% to the global GDP - amounting to a staggering 15.7 thousand billion dollars!  

Creators are diving into AI because it's a game-changer. With AI tools, tasks that took hours can now be done in minutes. AI Accelerates creative campaign creation by 80%, cutting down on time spent brainstorming and planning.

It's not just about saving time, though. AI helps in content personalization, which is huge in our "tailored for me" digital world. About 69% of consumers prefer personalized content, and AI enables creators to tailor their work to specific audiences, boosting engagement and loyalty.

Then there's the efficiency factor. AI streamlines workflows. It expedited editing and proofreading tasks to achieve quicker turnarounds without compromising quality.

Plus, it's a matter of staying ahead in a rapidly evolving market. Over 83% of creative industry professionals are already using AI, and it is only sensible to believe AI will play a significant role in the industry's future. Those who adopt AI early are poised to lead the pack, offering cutting-edge, innovative content.

The rise of AI in the creative realm is fueled by data. Data-driven insights guide content creation strategies. Creators leverage AI to analyze market trends, audience behavior, and content performance, ensuring they hit the right notes with their audience.

Beginner's Guide to AI in Content Creation

This guide serves as a starting point for newcomers to AI in content creation, emphasizing responsible use, continuous learning, and the integration of AI as a supportive tool in the creative process.

Demystifying AI for Content Creation

Understanding AI in Content Creation:

  • What AI Does: AI helps generate, enhance, or streamline content creation processes using algorithms and data.

  • How AI Assists: It aids in tasks like text generation, image manipulation, data analysis, and content personalization.

Starting with AI Tools:

  • Explore Beginner-Friendly Tools: Begin with user-friendly AI content creation tools offering guided assistance.

  • Experiment Gradually: Start with simple tasks like text summarization, image editing, or basic language generation.

Learning the Basics:

  • AI in Your Niche: Understand how AI applies to your content domain—whether it's writing, design, marketing, or video production.

  • Online Resources and Courses: Engage in beginner-level AI courses or tutorials tailored for content creators.

Practical Steps to Use AI Wisely

Quality Over Quantity:

  • Avoid Over-Automation: Don't solely rely on AI-generated content; balance it with human input for authenticity and quality.

Data and Model Selection:

  • Choosing Reliable Data: Ensure the data used to train AI models is diverse, accurate, and relevant to your content goals.

  • Validating AI Outputs: Verify AI-generated content for accuracy and relevance before publishing.

Personalizing Content Responsibly:

  • Respect User Privacy: Be cautious with AI-driven personalization and avoid infringing on user privacy or manipulating data without consent.

Continuous Learning and Improvement:

  • Adapting to Feedback: Use feedback to improve AI-generated content; iterate based on audience responses and preferences.

  • Stay Updated: Keep abreast of AI advancements and trends in content creation to refine your strategies.

What NOT to Do with AI in Content Creation

Avoid Plagiarism and Copyright Infringement:

Refrain from using AI to generate content that violates copyright or plagiarizes existing material.

Steer Clear of Biased Outputs:

Prevent AI from reinforcing biases by ensuring diverse training data and regular output bias checks.

Don't Fully Automate Engagement:

Maintain human interaction for authentic engagement; avoid automating user interactions or responses entirely.

Skipping Human Oversight:

Don't solely rely on AI-generated content without human oversight; human judgment ensures quality and relevance.

Ignoring Ethical Considerations:

Avoid overlooking ethical implications; consider the impact of AI-generated content on society, culture, and audience perceptions.

So, why do creators need AI? 

Because it's not just a tool; it's a game-changer. It saves time, enhances personalization, boosts efficiency, and puts creators at the forefront of an industry that's rapidly embracing AI-led innovation.

Here's how AI saves time and optimizes the creative workflow:

Rapid Idea Generation:

Instead of staring at a blank page, these tools help kickstart your brainstorming. They suggest topics or angles you might not have thought of. It's like having a brainstorming partner who provides suggestions when you're stuck.

Actionable AI Tips:
  • AI Prompts like "Top 10 Tips for..." or "Explainer on..." that spark ideas. 

  • To boost ideation, try mixing keywords related to your niche or industry. For instance, if you're in tech, use prompts like "The Future of..." or "In-Depth Analysis on..." for fresh angles.

Content Outline Done in Minutes:

When you're outlining an article or a blog post, these tools help organize your thoughts. You input your main points, and they arrange them into a clear structure. It's like having a planner laying the blueprint for your writing.

Actionable AI Tips:
  • Input your main points as AI prompts, and the AI writing tool can organize them into headings like "Introduction," "Key Points," and "Conclusion." 

  • To refine this further, use prompts like "Expand on Point 2 with Examples," allowing the tool to structure your content logically.

Human-Like Writing Assistance:

For sentence structure or grammar hiccups, these tools offer suggestions to improve your writing. They highlight errors and suggest alternatives. It's like having an editor who points out mistakes and helps you fix them.

Actionable AI Tips:
  • When crafting content, prompts like "Rewrite this in a more engaging tone" or "Enhance the opening sentence with a question/statistic" can revitalize your writing. 

  • Additionally, try prompts like "Improve readability by shortening sentences" for clearer, concise content.

Superb Time Management:

Imagine automating tasks like researching information or formatting citations. These tools speed up the process, leaving more time for writing. It's like having a helper who does the groundwork, freeing you to focus on creating content.

Actionable AI Tips:
  • Utilize prompts for tasks like "Research stats on..." or "Create an outline for..." to automate research and planning stages. 

  • For editing, prompts like "Polish grammar and punctuation" or "Check for passive voice" help refine your draft swiftly.

SEO and Keywords Enrichment:

They assist in optimizing your content for search engines. Suggesting keywords or analyzing readability ensures your writing aligns with SEO best practices. It's like having a guide that helps your content reach more readers.

Actionable AI Tips:
  • Input prompts like "Optimize for SEO: suggest relevant keywords" or "Ensure readability for a wider audience" to get suggestions on keyword placement or readability improvements. 

  • This helps align your content with search engine requirements.

Writing Style Consistency:

These tools recognize your writing patterns for writers aiming to maintain a consistent voice across their work. They ensure your content sounds uniform and true to your style.

Actionable AI Tips:
  • Use prompts like "Match writing style to previous content" to maintain a consistent voice.

  • Also, input specific phrases or words used in your brand's previous content to ensure cohesion.

Scaling Content Creation:

When you're producing content across various platforms, these tools are your multipliers. You input the basics, and they generate content tailored for different channels or audience segments. It's about scaling your content creation efforts effortlessly.

Actionable AI Tips:
  • For creating content across platforms, prompts such as "Adapt this for Instagram with a catchy opening" 

  • Try "Tailor for LinkedIn with a professional tone" to help generate content suitable for different audiences or platforms.

Scaling Creativity

Scaling creativity isn't just about making more stuff; it's about leveling up your content game and boosting that bottom line. Let's break it down!

Imagine this: you've got this killer content, right? Could be videos, blog posts, or whatever you create. Scaling that creativity means spreading that awesome sauce far and wide. Why? 'Cause more eyes on your content means more moolah in your pocket!

So, here's the deal: when you scale up your creativity, you're not just making more content; you're making more chances to connect with your audience. And you know what that means? More engagement! And more engagement? That's the golden ticket to profitability.

Think about it like this: you've got a bunch of followers, yeah? Scaling creativity means you're reaching not just your current gang but expanding to new peeps who haven't discovered your awesomeness yet. And more people vibing with your content means more potential customers or fans ready to support your work.

Here's where the money talk comes in. More eyeballs mean more opportunities to monetize. Whether it's through ads, sponsorships, selling your creations, or offering services, scaling up means expanding your revenue streams. Plus, when you're scaling, you're also building your brand. You become that go-to creator. The one everyone talks about. And a strong brand? That's a magnet for partnerships, collaborations, and all those sweet opportunities that bring in the cash.

But remember, scaling isn't just about quantity; it's about quality, too. You don't want to flood the market with meh content. It's about maintaining the essence of what makes your content awesome while reaching more people. That's the sweet spot for profitability!

So yeah, scaling creativity isn't just about creating more; it's about creating better, reaching wider, and turning that creativity into a profitable powerhouse.

Content Scaling Strategy for Creators

Understanding Your Goals

Define Scaling Objectives:

  • Identify specific goals: increased reach, revenue, audience engagement, or content volume.

  • Set measurable targets: quantify growth metrics (e.g., reach 50% more audience in 6 months).

Audience Analysis:

  • Conduct surveys or use analytics tools to gather demographic and behavioral data.

  • Create audience personas based on collected information to better understand their needs.

Content Creation and Diversification

Content Repurposing:

  • Identify evergreen content suitable for repurposing.

  • Plan strategies to adapt existing content into different formats or for different platforms.

New Format Exploration:

  • Research emerging content formats aligned with your audience preferences.

  • Develop a content calendar with deadlines for experimenting with new formats.

Workflow Optimization

Streamline Production Processes:

  • Map out content creation workflows and identify bottlenecks.

  • Implement efficient tools or software to automate repetitive tasks.

Collaboration and Delegation:

  • Delegate tasks based on team members' expertise.

  • Use project management tools for task assignments and tracking progress.

Audience Engagement and Distribution

Platform Expansion:

  • Research new platforms or channels where your audience might be present.

  • Create a content distribution plan tailored to each platform's audience behavior.

Consistent Scheduling:

  • Establish a content calendar with specific publishing dates and times.

  • Utilize scheduling tools to plan content distribution across platforms.

Data-Driven Iteration

Performance Analysis:

  • Track key performance indicators (KPIs) like engagement rates, conversion rates, and audience retention.

  • Use analytics tools to gain insights into content performance across platforms.

Iterative Improvement:

  • Experiment with A/B testing on headlines, formats, or CTAs based on performance insights.

  • Adjust content strategies based on what resonates most with the audience.

Automation and Tools

Automation Implementation:

  • Identify repetitive tasks (e.g., social media posting) suitable for automation.

  • Implement scheduling tools or AI-powered platforms to streamline processes.

AI-Assisted Insights:

  • Research AI tools for content analysis, keyword optimization, or audience segmentation.

  • Test AI-driven content creation tools for efficiency and quality.

Scalability Evaluation

Scalability Assessment:

  • Conduct periodic reviews of scalability strategies against set goals.

  • Make adjustments based on performance and audience feedback.

Flexibility and Adaptability:

  • Stay updated on industry trends, technological advancements, and changes in audience behavior.

  • Prepare contingency plans to adapt quickly to unexpected shifts or opportunities.

Real Talk: Mental Health & Avoiding Burnout

Scaling creativity is like trying to clone yourself—it's a challenge! You know how we're always hustling to create top-notch content as creators? Well, scaling up that awesomeness to reach a wider audience is a whole different ball game.

The thing is, there are roadblocks on this scaling journey. One biggie? Time. You've got a zillion ideas, but turning them all into high-quality content? That takes serious hours. And let's be real, there are only so many hours in a day.

Then there's consistency. You want your content to scream "you," right? But maintaining that unique voice becomes tricky when you're churning out content like a content factory. It's like trying to keep the spice level the same in a dish you're cooking a hundred times over!

Mental Health Tip: Balancing Work and Life

Maintaining a healthy work-life balance is crucial for creators to prevent burnout and sustain their creativity in the long run. Incorporating the following tips can help strike a harmonious balance between content creation and personal well-being.

1. Define Boundaries: Set clear work hours and designate specific relaxation and personal activities times.

2. Prioritize Self-Care: Schedule regular breaks, exercise, and moments of relaxation to recharge creatively.

3. Delegate and Collaborate: Don’t hesitate to seek support or delegate tasks when needed. Collaborate with others to share responsibilities.

4. Unplug and Disconnect: Allocate offline time, disconnect from work notifications, and engage in hobbies or activities that don’t involve screens.

5. Reflect and Realign: Periodically reassess your schedule and workload to ensure it aligns with your mental and physical well-being.

6. Seek Support: Don’t hesitate to seek professional help or ask a mentor or fellow creators for advice and support.

Resources are another hurdle. As much as we'd love to have an endless budget or an army of helpers, it's not always the case. Limited resources mean limited capacity to create and share content across all the platforms where your audience hangs out.

But here's why scaling is the holy grail—it's about reaching more people without compromising quality. Think about it: more eyes on your content means more impact, more engagement, and, ultimately, more opportunities for growth.

For me, scaling has been this balancing act. You want to grow, but you also want to keep the essence of what makes your content unique. It's like trying to expand your pizza joint to a chain but ensuring every slice tastes just as awesome as the first one you made.

And trust me, scaling isn't a "nice-to-have"; it's a must in today's content game. The digital world moves at warp speed, and you're falling behind if you're not scaling. It's about staying relevant, reaching new audiences, and solidifying your spot as a content wizard in a sea of creators.

So yeah, scaling creativity—it's like trying to bottle lightning. But it's necessary. It's about pushing boundaries, reaching more people, and taking your creativity to levels you never thought possible.

How do you create content at scale without burning out?

Here is how you can create content at scale without breaking your back - or your bank. 

Strategy #1: Repurpose Your Content:

Don't create from scratch every time! Repurpose your existing content into different formats. Turn a blog post into a video, or chop up a video into bite-sized social media clips.

Gary Vaynerchuk is a pro at repurposing. He takes one piece of content, like a speech, and turns it into snippets for Instagram, tweets, and LinkedIn posts—multiplying its reach.

Neil Patel excels at this, too. He transforms blogs into videos, infographics, podcasts, and presentations—maximizing the impact of his content across various platforms.

Both these creators master content repurposing, turning a single piece into a wealth of engaging content across different channels.

Here’s how you can do it:

Content Audit:

Start by reviewing your existing content library. Identify high-performing pieces that can be repurposed.

Break it Down:

Take your main content—say, a blog post—and break it into smaller chunks. Pull out key points, quotes, or statistics that can stand alone. These bits become social media posts, infographics, or snippets for newsletters.

Change Formats:

Convert your content into different formats. For instance, turn a webinar into a series of short videos or transcribe a podcast into a blog post. It's about sharing the same content in different styles to cater to different tastes.

Create Tutorials or How-To Guides:

If your content includes steps or processes, repurpose it into a tutorial or a step-by-step guide. For example, a series of blog posts can become a comprehensive e-book or a workshop.

Behind-the-Scenes Content:

Share the process behind your main content. It could be a "making-of" video, a podcast episode discussing the creative process, or a blog post detailing the research. It's about adding depth and context to your original piece.

Update and Refresh:

Give your older content a refresh. Update statistics, add new information, or revise sections. It's like updating old content and adding new insights—it brings a fresh perspective.

Tailor for Different Platforms:

Customize your content for various platforms. What works on Twitter might need a different approach on LinkedIn or Pinterest. It's about adapting your content to fit the audience and style of each platform.

Prioritize Quality Over Quantity:

Keep an eye on what works and what doesn't. Analytics tools are like tasting your dish before serving it—use them to adjust and improve your content strategy. Remember, it's not just about churning out content but about serving quality content. Your audience craves good stuff, so focus on keeping your content delicious!

For me, repurposing content has been a time-saver. I've taken blog articles and turned them into social media snippets or expanded them into video scripts. It's like making your wardrobe versatile by mixing and matching pieces to create different outfits—it multiplies your content without starting from scratch!

Strategy #2: Delegate and Collaborate:

Get a team or collaborate with other creators. It's like having a kitchen crew to share the load. Tools like Google Workspace or Slack are your discussion table where everyone can brainstorm and collaborate.

Peter McKinnon collaborates with photographers, filmmakers, and editors to bring diverse perspectives to his content, adding depth to his work.

Casey Neistat delegates editing tasks, allowing him to focus on filming and storytelling while his team polishes the final product.

Tim Ferriss delegates repetitive tasks to virtual assistants, allowing him to focus on high-impact work.

Delegating and teaming up with others is like having a squad to make a blockbuster movie. Here's how creators can rock it:

Identify Your Strengths and Weaknesses:

Know what you're great at and where you could use some backup. For instance, if you're a pro at writing but struggle with editing, that's where you might need a collaborator.

Build Your Dream Team:

Find people with skills that complement yours. It's like assembling the Avengers—each member brings a unique superpower to the table. Look for designers, editors, or social media wizards who can join your creative crew.

Clear Guidelines:

Set clear expectations and guidelines. It's like giving your team the script—they need to know their role, deadlines, and what you expect from them.

Use Collaboration Tools:

Tools like Google Drive, Trello, or Slack are your secret weapons. They're like your team's communication hub, keeping everyone on the same page. Use them to share files, assign tasks, and brainstorm ideas.

Trust Your Team:

Delegate tasks and trust your team's abilities. It's like being the director and trusting your actors to nail their performances. Let them shine in their areas of expertise. 

Feedback Loop:

Encourage open feedback—it's like reviewing the dailies on a film set. It helps improve the final product. Provide constructive criticism and be open to suggestions from your team.

Collaborate on Ideas:

Invite your team to brainstorm sessions. It's like having a writers' room for your content creation. Different perspectives can spark brilliant ideas!

Be Flexible and Adaptable:

Be flexible. Plans might change, deadlines might shift—it's part of the creative process. It's like reshooting a scene to get it just right!

For me, collaborating has been a game-changer. I've teamed up with designers for graphics and editors for my videos. It's like having teammates who bring their A-game, making the final product way better than I could do alone. Working together isn't just about sharing the workload; it's about elevating each other's creativity!

Strategy #3: Outsource Smartly:

Sometimes you need to call in reinforcements. Outsourcing specific tasks or hiring freelancers for specialized content creation is like inviting guest creators for specialty work. It adds variety and expertise to your content spread.

Pat Flynn outsources tasks like graphic design and audio editing, ensuring top-quality podcast episodes without losing focus on content creation.

Hannah Witton outsources video editing, ensuring consistent quality while focusing on content creation and engagement.

Outsourcing your work is like assembling a dream team to bring your vision to life. Here's the inside scoop on how creators can ace this:

Define Your Needs: 

Determine which tasks or parts of your content creation process you want to delegate. Whether it's editing, graphic design, or social media management, having a clear idea is like setting the stage.

Search on the Right Platform:

Websites like Upwork, Fiverr, or even LinkedIn are like treasure troves. They're where you can discover talented freelancers. Check their portfolios and reviews—it's like watching trailers to find the best fit for your project.

Look for Specialists:

Seek out specialists in your field. Whether it's a wizard with Adobe Creative Suite or a wordsmith with killer editing skills, it's like casting the perfect actor for a role—they need to nail it!

Communicate Clearly:

When you connect with potential collaborators, be crystal clear about your expectations. It's like giving a briefing to your team—you want everyone on the same page from the get-go.

Start Small:

Test the waters before diving in. Assign a small task initially. It's like trying a sample dish before ordering the whole meal—you want to ensure it's the right flavor for your project.

Build Relationships: 

Once you've found reliable collaborators, nurture those relationships. It's like building a friendship—it's about trust and understanding each other's strengths and quirks.

Provide Feedback:

Be open to giving constructive feedback. It's like directing actors—you want them to bring out their best performances. Encourage improvement without squashing their creativity.

Set Clear Agreements:

Establish clear contracts or agreements. It's like signing a movie deal—you want everything outlined to avoid any plot twists down the road.

For me, outsourcing has been a game-changer. I've collaborated with freelancers for illustrations and video editing. It's like having specialists who bring their magic to the table, making the final product shine. Outsourcing isn't just about getting the work done; it's about finding partners who are as passionate about your project as you are!

The bottom line? Creative workflow optimization, automation, and scaling are like the secret sauce to success in the creator world!

Optimizing your workflow is about streamlining your process—making every step count, saving time, and ensuring you're not stuck in a creative traffic jam. It's like having a well-oiled machine that helps you produce quality content without burning out.

Automation is your time-saving superhero. It's about delegating repetitive tasks to tools or systems so you can focus on the juiciest parts of your work. It's like having a personal assistant who handles the nitty-gritty, freeing you to sprinkle your creativity everywhere.

And scaling? That's your ticket to expansion. It's about spreading your creative genius far and wide—reaching more eyeballs, connecting with new audiences, and multiplying your impact. It's like turning your one-hit wonder into a chart-topping album!

Combining these three? It's like unleashing a creative tsunami. You're not just creating content; you're crafting a content empire. You're maximizing your potential, reaching more people, and solidifying your spot as a top-notch creator in the ever-evolving digital realm.

So, here's the deal: optimizing your workflow, automating tasks, and scaling your creativity—it's not just a trend. It's the future of content creation. It's about staying ahead, being efficient, and unlocking doors to new opportunities. It's your formula for taking your creative game to the stratosphere!

📝 Next Steps & Content Creation Worksheet


  • How consistent are you in delivering content or engaging with your audience?

  • What obstacles hinder your consistency, and how can you overcome them?


  • Create a content calendar or schedule to ensure a more consistent output.

  • Experiment with batch-producing content to maintain consistency without burnout.

Creation worksheet 1

Creation worksheet 2

Creation worksheet 3

Creation worksheet 4

Creation worksheet 5

Creation worksheet 6

Nick Bennett 25 min

How To Create Sustainably At Scale

Creating one piece of content is hard. Figuring out how to build a scaleable content machine — something that helps you create awesome content sustainably — is really, really hard. At first, that is. Once you get some practice, the flywheel starts spinning and you'll find you have habits, skills, and processes that help you create enough content to satisfy your audience's ravencus demand without burning you out.

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